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China Network Information杂志发表《2024欧洲杯投注》 2023-03-29

Spring comes with a strong tide from the east

——习近平总书记指引数字化推动Quality development review


Spring returns to the earth and the tide rises in the east。

2023年的春天,中国经济迅速复苏、充满活力,再次踏上发展快车道,其中,数字经济成为一道耀眼的风景。Digitization has promoted the high-quality development of the Chinese economy and injected strong momentum into the promotion of Chinese-style modernization。

Since the 18th National Congress of the Party,在以习近平同志为核心的党中央掌舵领航下,China's economic ship is riding the wind of digitalization,Stepping on the wave of information,Walk in the wind and rain,Rise in the face of adversity,In the high-quality development channel to ride the momentum, through the waves forward,Historic achievements and changes have taken place,It is accelerating toward a new journey of comprehensively building a modern socialist country。

From December 15 to 16, 2022, the Central Economic Work Conference will be held in Beijing。General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, Chinese President and Chairman of the Central Military Commission Xi Jinping attended the meeting and delivered an important speech。会议指出,要大力发展数字经济,提升常态化监管水平,支持平台企业在引领发展、创造就业、国际竞争中大显身手。Photo/Xinhua News Agency reporter Ju Peng

Sail and break the waves - Grasp the historical opportunity of digital transformation and push China's economy onto the course of high-quality development

Since the 1960s, only a dozen of the world's more than 100 middle-income economies have become high-income economies。Whether it can become a high-income economy, the decisive factor is whether it can realize the transformation from quantitative expansion to qualitative improvement after experiencing a phase of rapid growth。






So, where's the new road?

"On scientific and technological innovation, on accelerating the transformation from element-driven and investment-scale driven development to innovation-driven development.。”习近平总书记为中国经济转型指明方向。

新一轮科技革命和产业变革与我国加快转变经济发展方式形成历史性交汇,为我们实施创新驱动发展战略提供了难得的重大机遇。New drivers are needed to implement the strategy of innovation-driven development。Where will the new momentum come from?习近平总书记将目光瞄准了数字化,鲜明指出,“世界各国都把推进经济数字化作为实现创新发展的重要动能”。

A profound insight into the overall situation of development is inseparable from in-depth theoretical thinking。

From 2016, at the 36th collective learning of the 18th Politburo of the Central Committee, he emphasized "making the digital economy bigger and stronger.,Expand new space for economic development",到二十国集团领导人杭州峰会上首次提出发展数字经济的倡议;从2017年在十九届中央政治局第二次集体学习时强调“要加快建设数字中国,Building a digital economy with data as a key element",到2018年At the National Conference on Cybersecurity and Informatization强调“加快推动数字产业化”“要推动产业数字化”;从2021年在致世界互联网大会乌镇峰会的贺信中指出“激发数字经济活力”,到十九届中央政治局第三十四次集体学习时强调“不断做强做优做大我国数字经济”······习近平总书记作出一系列重要讲话、重要指示,The significance and practical path of digitalization to promote high-quality development are deeply expounded。

An accurate grasp of the overall situation of development is inseparable from continuous practice and exploration。


据广州明珞汽车装备有限公司负责人回忆,2012年时,面对发展困境,公司做了一个大胆决定:邀请外国数字化专家进行虚拟调试培训,全力以赴开展数字化转型。如今,The company has become the only intelligent manufacturing enterprise in the world to achieve digital factory virtual manufacturing and industrial Internet of Things big data application landing,The implementation of FAW Hongqi Changchun Plant H welding workshop efficiency improvement project achieved 14% capacity increase,20% labor cost savings,Annual revenue increased by more than 300 million yuan。

多年来,习近平总书记的调研足迹遍布大江南北、内陆边疆,新时代中国的高质量发展棋局精准落子。2020年4月,在浙江考察时,他指出,“要抓住产业数字化、数字产业化赋予的机遇”“大力推进科技创新,着力壮大新增长点、形成发展新动能”。2020年8月,在安徽考察时,他表示,“推动制造业加速向数字化、网络化、智能化发展”“要发挥数字经济优势,加快产业数字化、智能化转型”。In March 2021, during a visit to Fujian, he stressed that "optimizing and upgrading the industrial structure, accelerating the promotion of digital industrialization and industrial digitalization".。2021年4月,在广西考察时,他指出,“走出一条符合本地实际的高质量发展之路”“要推动传统产业高端化、智能化、绿色化,推动全产业链优化升级”。

Since the 18th National Congress of the Party,习近平总书记以高瞻远瞩的发展眼光和坚如磐石的战略定力,Firmly grasp the development trend of digitalization, networking and intelligence,Making a series of new assertions and new deployments and new demands,It has pointed out the way forward and provided fundamental guidelines for leading China's economy from a stage of high-speed growth to a stage of high-quality development。在习近平总书记关于网络强国的重要思想指引下,《2024欧洲杯投注》《2024欧洲杯投注》《2024欧洲杯投注》《欧洲杯在线投注》《欧洲杯在线投注》等重大战略规划陆续出台,It has formed a strong synergy to promote the development of the digital economy,It has greatly stimulated and released the great potential of China's digital economy development。

In the past decade, the scale of China's digital economy has grown from 11 trillion yuan to 45 percent.5 trillion yuan, the digital economy accounted for 21 percent of GDP.6% up to 39.8%;E-commerce transaction volume and mobile payment transaction scale ranked first in the world;A number of network information enterprises ranked among the top in the world。In 2022, the added value of China's high-tech manufacturing industry above designated size will increase by 7 percent over the previous year.4%, physical goods online retail sales accounted for 27% of the total retail sales of consumer goods.2%, an increase of 2% over the previous year.Seven percentage points。

China in the new era bravely stands at the forefront of The Times, firmly grasping the historical opportunity of digitalization, and the giant ship China has steadily advanced on the new channel of high-quality development。

The world is wide -- to play the role of an important engine of high-quality development and inject strong impetus into the Chinese economy

In the Spring Festival of 2023, the world once again witnessed the vitality and resilience of the Chinese economy。Spring Festival holiday, domestic travel 3.0.8 billion visits, domestic tourism revenue of 3,758.4.3 billion yuan;The box office of the Spring Festival film reached 67.5.8 billion yuan;National consumption-related industry sales revenue increased by 12.2%;More than 700 million express packages were delivered nationwide.The online retail sales of food commodities in the National online New Year Shopping Festival increased by 14.5%。据世界经济论坛今年1月公布的最新名单,全球132座“灯塔工厂”,50座在中国;全球“未来之城”20强,中国独占5席······


-- We should keep the initiative of technology and development firmly in our own hands

解决“卡脖子”问题,习近平总书记高度关注。2016年4月,At a symposium on Internet security and informatization,习近平总书记曾这样比喻“卡脖子”的风险:“如果核心元器件严重依赖外国,The "lifedoor" of the supply chain is in the hands of others,It's like building a house on top of someone else's wall,No matter how big and beautiful it may not withstand the weather,They might even be vulnerable。”

"To achieve high-quality development, we must achieve connotation growth driven by innovation。More importantly, we must vigorously enhance our capacity for independent innovation and make breakthroughs in key core technologies as soon as possible。This is a major issue affecting China's overall development and the key to forming a large domestic cycle。”2020年8月,习近平总书记主持召开经济社会领域专家座谈会时,强调要以科技创新催生新发展动能。

各地区各部门、各行各业牢记习近平总书记的殷殷嘱托,坚定不移走自主创新道路,在关键核心技术上奋力攻坚、勇攀高峰,重大创新成果不断涌现。"Nine chapters" came out, "Beidou" networking;"Chang 'e" flew to the moon,The "dragon" dives to the bottom;"China Core" breakout,"Intelligent manufacturing" upgrade... across again and again,Writing miracles,From the vastness of the stars to the mystery of the sea,China has successfully entered the ranks of innovative countries,The Global Innovation Index rose to 11th place。Hefei Source Quantum successfully delivered a quantum computer,China has become the third country in the world with the ability to deliver complete quantum computers;Boe produces a new generation of flexible display screens,It is only one-third as thick as a piece of white paper;,To achieve nearly 30 billion people on a single optical fiber at the same time... the majority of enterprises aim at the world's scientific and technological frontier,We will comprehensively enhance our capacity for independent innovation,We have made important breakthroughs in key core technologies。

-- The development of digital information infrastructure has been accelerating

In recent years,China continues to strengthen the layout of cutting-edge technologies in the field of information,大力推动以5G网络、全国一体化数据中心体系、国家产业互联网等为抓手的高速泛在、天地一体、云网融合、智能敏捷、绿色低碳、安全可控的智能化综合性数字信息基础设施建设,A series of important results and remarkable results have been achieved。

目前,China's computing power ranks second in the world.Fixed broadband increased from 100 to gigabit,All prefecture-level cities in China have been built into optical network cities.Mobile communication has developed by leaps and bounds,Build the world's largest 5G network and mobile Internet of Things;Progress has been made in building new infrastructure such as the industrial Internet,具有一定影响力的工业互联网平台超过150个······数字信息基础设施成为经济社会发展的信息“大动脉”,To help China's economy achieve high-quality development。

-- The optimization and upgrading of the industrial structure continued to deepen


At present, a new round of information revolution and industrial transformation is deepening, and the effect of digitalization on economic development is becoming increasingly prominent。Studies have shown that for every 10% increase in digitization, GDP per capita will increase by 0.0%.5%至0.62%。In recent years,我国不断加快数字产业化和产业数字化步伐,推动数字技术和实体经济深度融合,赋能传统行业数字化转型升级,通过技术和应用创新激活新业态、新模式,为经济发展增添新活力,为高质量发展注入新动能。




随着我国数字经济持续快速发展,一批数字产业高地、数字产业集聚区和数字产业集群涌现,为推动我国经济高质量发展提供了有力支撑。The picture shows the location of Hefei "Sound Valley", Wuhan "Optical Valley" and Hangzhou "Visual Valley"。



-- Promoting the building of a beautiful China through green digital collaborative transformation

Adhering to the road of green development is an inevitable requirement for basing on the new development stage, implementing the new development concept and building a new development pattern。数据显示,2017年至2020年,我国信息通信领域规模以上数据中心年耗电量年均增长28%;2021年,全国数据中心耗电量达2166亿度······我国数字产业绿色转型发展极为迫切。



The measures taken are resolute and effective, and the results are encouraging。


-- Unswervingly supporting Internet and IT enterprises to grow bigger and stronger


December 15-16, 2022, Beijing, Jingxi Hotel。The first Central Economic Work Conference after the 20th CPC National Congress was held here。“要大力发展数字经济,提升常态化监管水平,支持平台企业在引领发展、创造就业、国际竞争中大显身手。This is not only a clear requirement, but also a keen expectation。In the key meeting held during this critical period, the wind vane of encouraging the development of the private economy was once again clear。

"We must make our attitude clear, never be vague, always adhere to the direction of socialist market economic reform, and adhere to the 'two unswerving'."。"The report of the Party's 20th National Congress clearly put forward 'promoting the development and growth of the private economy', which is a long-term policy, not a quick fix.。”习近平总书记语气坚定。The meeting's expression of "two unwavering" was more resolute and clear,Put forward from the system and law to the state-owned enterprises and private enterprises equal treatment requirements down,We will encourage and support the development and expansion of the private economy and private enterprises through policies and public opinion,It conveys an important signal of optimizing the development environment of private enterprises and promoting the development and growth of private economy。

Enterprises are the cells of the economy. Only by enhancing the development ability of enterprises can we strengthen the body of the Chinese economy。2018年4月,At the National Conference on Cybersecurity and Informatization,习近平总书记指出“发展数字经济,Inseparable from a number of competitive network information enterprises ";October 2022,习近平总书记在党的二十大报告中强调“支持中小微企业发展”“支持专精特新企业发展”。

The National Development and Reform Commission will play the role of finance in supporting the development of the digital economy,Expand medium - and long-term loans for the digital economy industry;Central Cyberspace Administration and other four departments held a symposium,Support the healthy and sustainable development of Internet enterprises;China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission issued relevant opinions,Encourage relevant companies to provide specialized risk reduction services in areas such as specialized and specialized innovation。This series of powerful and effective policy measures has strengthened the confidence of enterprises to cope with difficulties and meet challenges。

Up to now,There are more than 16 million digital economy-related enterprises in China,已培育出近9000家专精特新“小巨人”企业;新能源汽车产销连续8年保持全球第一;在云计算Industry field,Ali, Tencent, Huawei three enterprises entered the world's top 6... China's network and information enterprises are releasing the surging vitality of development。

The healthy and orderly development of digital economy cannot be separated from the guidance of standardization。In recent years, China's platform economy has developed rapidly, and Internet platform enterprises have grown rapidly, making positive contributions to meeting consumer needs。但与此同时,市场垄断、无序扩张、野蛮生长的问题日益凸显,限制竞争、泄露个人隐私、算法滥用等现象时有出现。

A series of laws and regulations including the Cybersecurity Law, the Data Security Law, and the Personal Information Protection Law have been promulgated,Interdepartmental coordination mechanisms such as the Inter-ministerial Joint Conference on Digital Economy Development have been gradually established in recent years,The pace of legislation in the field of digital economy in China has accelerated,Policies, institutions and systems have been continuously improved,The environment for the development of the digital economy has been gradually improved,It has provided strong services, support and guarantee for promoting the healthy and orderly development of China's network and IT enterprises。

-- Open up broad space for digital cooperation

In November 2022, the 17th G20 Summit was held in Bali, Indonesia。习近平总书记指出,希望各方激发数字合作活力,让数字经济发展成果造福各国人民。2016年9月,中国主办二十国集团领导人杭州峰会,首次将数字经济纳入二十国集团议程,提出创新发展方式、挖掘增长动能。从推动数字经济连续6年成为G20国家讨论的核心议题之一,到发出数字合作倡议,“数字经济”成为习近平总书记In recent years在一系列外事活动、国际会议和重要场合中经常讲到的高频热词。

In recent years, China's international cooperation on digital economy has continued to deepen。中国积极搭建世界互联网大会、世界5G大会、世界人工智能大会等开放平台,与各国加强数字领域合作,积极开展双边、多边数字治理合作,参与数字领域国际规则和标准制定。Promoting the formulation of the G20 Initiative on Digital Economy Development and Cooperation,Jointly launched the Belt and Road Initiative for International Cooperation on Digital Economy,Launched the Global Data Security Initiative,Initiative on Jointly Building a Community of Shared Future in Cyberspace,To apply to join the Digital Economy Partnership Agreement,China is committed to building a peaceful, secure, open, cooperative and orderly cyberspace,Build an open, fair and non-discriminatory digital business environment,Contribute Chinese solutions and Chinese wisdom to global digital governance。

与16个国家签署“数字丝绸之路”合作谅解备忘录;中国—东盟信息港建设深入推进;在非洲20多个国家实施“万村通”项目,Work to bridge the digital divide;The circle of friends of "silk e-commerce" continues to expand... China opens its arms to the world in the new era,We will actively promote broader and deeper cooperation among countries in the field of digital economy,We will share development opportunities and pool development forces through openness and integration with the world。

To take advantage of the long wind - to create a new situation of high-quality development with digital

Looking back at the decade in the new era, the complexity of the situation China faces, the severity of the struggle, and the arduous task of reform, development and stability are rarely seen in the world and in history。虽然经历了涉滩之险、爬坡之艰、闯关之难,中国经济却在战胜挑战中发展、在风雨洗礼中成长、在历经考验中壮大,Historic achievements and changes have taken place、转向高质量发展。

In 2022, the Party's 20th National Congress was successfully held, sounding the clarion call of The Times for forging ahead on a new journey。What is the primary task of building a modern socialist country in an all-round way?

高质量发展,这是习近平总书记给出的明确答案。坚持高质量发展,需要处理好“量”和“质”的关系,不是说量的扩张不重要,而是要在提高质的过程中实现量的增长。How to promote the effective improvement of the economy in quality and reasonable growth in quantity?党的二十大报告提出:“加快发展数字经济,促进数字经济和实体经济深度融合,打造具有国际竞争力的数字产业集群。”

《2024欧洲杯投注》将“打造数字经济新优势”作为一章专门列出,It is clearly proposed to "give full play to the advantages of massive data and rich application scenarios.,We will deepen the integration of digital technologies with the real economy,We will enable traditional industries to transform and upgrade,We will foster new industries, new business forms and new models,Strengthen the new engine of economic development."。

国务院印发的《2024欧洲杯投注》为中国数字经济创新发展描绘了宏伟蓝图:“到2025年,The digital economy is entering a period of comprehensive expansion,The added value of core industries in the digital economy accounted for 10% of GDP,The ability of digital innovation to lead development has been greatly improved,The level of intelligence has been significantly enhanced,The integration of digital technology and the real economy has achieved remarkable results,The governance system of the digital economy has been improved,The competitiveness and influence of China's digital economy have steadily increased。”



The year 2023 will be an important year for full economic recovery and development。




This spring, the land of China spring tides surging, a full of vitality。从边陲小镇到繁华都市,从低沟深海到高原珠峰,生产车间机器轰鸣,重大项目火热推进,创新成果竞相涌现,一盘风云激荡的数字经济高质量发展大棋局在中华大地上铺展开来。

Spring comes with a strong tide from the east。

The United Nations released the report "World Economic Situation and Prospects in 2023", predicting that China's economic growth will reach 4.8%;The International Monetary Fund has sharply raised its forecast for China's economic growth this year to 5.At the same time, the Chinese economy is expected to contribute a quarter of global growth this year。"China's economic rebound is bound to give the global economy a much-needed shot in the arm。"The trajectory of the world economy this year will be largely determined by the Chinese consumer.。The international community's confidence in the Chinese economy has been further strengthened。

The digital wind is already blowing。According to the China Academy of Cyberspace, the size of China's digital economy will exceed 60 trillion yuan by 2025。According to International data company IDC, global investment in digital transformation will increase by 17 percent per year.With a compound growth rate of 1%, this type of investment is expected to reach 2% in 2023.3 trillion dollars。

A good wind is the time to set sail。

Hundreds of boat race, only those who ride the tide can bravely stand the tide;When the wind passes through the pass, only the runner can take advantage of it。站在新的历史起点,在以习近平同志为核心的党中央掌舵领航下,在全党全国各族人民的团结奋斗下,中国经济航船一定能乘着数字化的东风,在全面建设社会主义现代化国家的新征程上,驶向高质量发展的美好明天。

Manuscript source:China Network Information

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