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In 2023, the "Clear" series of special actions will severely rectify 9 prominent network ecological problems 2023-03-29

    This morning (28th),The State Council Information Office held a press conference,The relevant person in charge of the State Internet Information Office introduced the relevant situation of the "clear" series of special actions in 2023,The special action will focus on nine aspects of the "we media" chaos, the network water army manipulation of information content, and the regulation of the network communication order of key traffic links。

    A clear sky and a good ecology in cyberspace are the common expectations of the vast number of Internet users, and are also an important goal of network governance。In recent years,国家网信办坚持以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想特别是习近平总书记关于网络强国的重要思想为指导,Continue to carry out a series of "clear" special actions,Tackle prominent problems in the network ecology,Compacting site platform main responsibility,Actively respond to the concerns of the people。去年,The Cyberspace Administration of China has organized 13 "clean and clean" special actions,A total of 54.3 million pieces of illegal and undesirable information were sorted out, Handled more than 6.8 million accounts,Removed more than 2,890 apps and small programs,Disband and close groups, post bars, etc. 260,000,More than 7,300 websites were shut down,We will vigorously safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of Internet users。

    The report of the Party's 20th National Congress pointed out that China's "network ecology continues to improve" and stressed the need to "promote the formation of a good network ecology".。This is not only a full affirmation of the previous stage of governance, but also an important deployment of further pipe network governance under the new situation。In 2023, the "clear" series of special actions will earnestly implement the spirit of the Party's 20 congresses, take "promoting the formation of a good network ecology" as the work goal, focus on new situations, new problems and difficult bottlenecks, and carry out a series of special rectification, of which 9 issues are the top priority, including:

First, the "Clean and strict control of" we media "chaos" special action, focusing on the "we media" rumor spreading, counterfeiting, illegal profits and other chaos, crack the "we media" information content distortion, operational misconduct and other deep-rooted problems。Urge the platform to improve the "we media" account management system,Optimize the management rules of the whole process of "we media" account registration, operation and closure;Strengthen the professional qualification authentication management of "we media" accounts,For "we-media" engaged in the production of information content in professional fields such as medical care, justice and education,Strictly review the certification materials and add special marks;Strictly regulate the profit-making behavior of "we media",Establish and improve the number of "we media" fans management, profit-making behavior supervision and other systems and mechanisms。

The second is the special action of "Clear ・ Combat the information content manipulated by the network water army",We will comprehensively clean up illegal information on the Internet,Take down groups and boards where the Navy tends to congregate,Resolutely block the recruitment and drainage channels;Investigate and punish the tools for carrying out naval activities,Crack down on group control software that manipulates cyber armies in batches,Platforms for receiving and sending tasks, payment and settlement;Close the water army account that deals with malicious speculation hot events and swiping and transferring praise data,Companies and MCN organizations that organize cyber water armies will be blacklisted,Involving illegal and criminal activities,Transfer to the relevant departments for investigation and punishment;Compacting platform main responsibility,Constantly improve the technological means against the robot water army,Investigate and handle problems such as batch raising numbers and "zombie" accounts,Improve the monitoring mechanism of abnormal traffic on lists and topics,Strengthen the homogenous copy identification and disposal。

The third is the special action of "Clear and regulate the network communication order of key traffic links",Pay close attention to the short video platform, hot search hot list and other key traffic links,Compacting platform main responsibility,We will comprehensively clean up information that disrupts the order of online communication, such as illegal gathering, reprinting, and fabricating fake news,Comprehensively investigate and dispose of fake "news anchors" and other illegal accounts,We will resolutely safeguard the important level of standardized and orderly dissemination of online news and information。In view of the problems exposed in the cleaning and rectification work,Urge and guide the website platform to establish and improve the long-term working mechanism of regulating the communication order of key traffic links,Summarize experience and solidify results,We will further smooth the channels for the dissemination of authoritative information online,We will further enhance the effectiveness of positive publicity and communication,Ensure that the large flow is always surging positive energy。

The fourth is the special action of "Clear · Optimize the business network environment to protect the legitimate rights and interests of enterprises",We will strengthen the handling of stock information,Guide the website platform to focus on information content and account investigation,Timely handling of information that has been identified as rumors, personal privacy and explicit infringement,Strengthen the management of search association words,Handle and punish the account with outstanding problems;We will strengthen the working mechanism for protecting human rights,Further smooth channels, refine standards and optimize procedures,Online and offline cooperation,Platform collaboration,Provide service guarantee for enterprises and entrepreneurs to report and defend their rights,Guide the website platform to improve the information content review and release mechanism,Efficiently handle reporting leads on enterprise-related issues;Enhanced supervised exposure,Timely publication of illegal cases that undermine the business network environment,The circumstances are seriously suspected of illegal crimes,Transfer to the relevant authorities for handling according to law,The website platform that does not implement the work well,Guide the local network information department to strengthen supervision and inspection。

The fifth is the special action of "Qinglang · Life service platform information content rectification",Comprehensively rectify prominent problems such as recommending bad information, diverting illegal activities, promoting illegal products, and pushing vulgar negative association words in search results;Urge the website platform to optimize and improve the mechanism of key links such as pop-up information push, search results blacklist, and advertising positions,Strengthen normal governance;The sections and columns that are prone to multiple problems and repeated investigations,Take measures such as suspension of updating and permanent offline according to the situation,And to inform the public;We will strengthen inter-departmental communication,Timely transfer of problem clues,While doing a good job of online disposal,Cooperate with the offline investigation work,Curb illegal activities at their source。

Sixth, the special action of "Clean and clean up the problem of poor content orientation of short video information" focused on cleaning up and rectification of short videos with information content orientation problems such as difficult to distinguish between true and false, good and evil, and right and wrong, and focused on solving problems such as loose platform audit, unscientific recommendation algorithm, and unreasonable traffic distribution mechanism。Urge short video platforms to further optimize the algorithm recommendation mechanism,Strengthen the manual screening of high-quality content;Optimize content moderation strategies,Resolutely prevent the phenomenon of "bad money driving out good money";Optimize account management system,Establish and improve the account content quality and credit evaluation system,Promote the formation of a healthy competition mechanism in the short video industry,Achieve the healthy development of the short video industry。

The seventh is the special action of "Qinglang ·2023 Summer holiday minor network environment improvement",Focus on prominent problems involving minors on the Internet,Tighten the illegal content to regulate the high voltage line,We will strictly crack down on all kinds of harmful content and illegal crimes,Timely detection and treatment of cyberbullying,Prevent the spread of bullying videos that reveal the privacy of minors;Hold the exclusive platform security bottom line,For learning apps, children's smart devices, etc,Compacting platform main responsibility,We will strengthen front-end management such as application launch and content release,Strengthen functional safety risk assessment,All kinds of illegal and undesirable content are prohibited,Shall not induce top-up consumption;Build a strong youth mode protection line,Comprehensively upgrade the youth mode,While enriching the content of age classification,Scientifically define time and function,Let the model truly become a "protection shield" for minors' healthy Internet access。

The eighth is the "clear · Network gas rectification" special action,Strictly control the content of the comments section,Urge the website platform to strengthen the management of the comment area,The account is required to strengthen the management of the content of the information sent,Public accounts that do not do a good job of comment management,Take measures such as restricting function;Rectification of live broadcast "PK" link problems,Seriously investigate and punish the anchor's brave fight, attack each other, abuse and spit dirty behavior,For some anchors to evade supervision, borrow "trumpet" to carry out vulgar behavior,Take unified disposal measures for all their accounts,Those with bad circumstances will be blacklisted;Deal with the network air concentrated section,Check the link of post bar, channel, circle, super talk and group,Rectify the offending sections,When necessary, measures such as suspension of renewal, dissolution and closure shall be taken,Handle the board administrator account,Resolutely curb Internet rage。

The ninth is the special action of "Qinglang ·2023 Spring Festival network environment improvement",After a one-month special rectification,More than 1.19 million pieces of illegal and undesirable information were intercepted and cleaned up on key platforms,Handled more than 160,000 illegal accounts and groups,Investigate and punish the problems of using Spring Festival films to provoke mutual confrontation and induce star fans to brush ticket impulse,Effectively prevent fan groups from ripping and abusing each other and other issues from bouncing back and forth;Handle the problem of malicious hyping and flaunting of prison experience,Effectively curb the bad trend of creating "net celebrities" by hyping the history of bad behavior;We will strictly control the fabrication of false information and stories,Effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of Internet users;Focus on investigating and dealing with issues such as making fun of minors and inducing minors to become addicted to the Internet,Provide a civilized and safe network environment for teenagers;Strict regulation of online gambling diversion, dissemination of vulgar information and other problems,Create a happy and peaceful Spring Festival public opinion atmosphere。

The CAC will, in accordance with the plan, effectively and orderly promote the 2023 "clear" series of special actions, to ensure that the rectification work has achieved solid results, and to create a civilized and healthy network environment for the majority of Internet users。(Central television reporter Zhang Gang)

Managing Editor: Guo Tingxuan

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Source: CCTV News

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